

1. An Instagram account dedicated solely to pictures of books, bookshelves (or “shelfies”) and/or reading.

2. An Instagram account that fangirls/fanboys own to spread their uncontainable excitement about books with the world in aesthetically pleasing photographs and/or colour schemes.


So ever since I did my Dangerous Lies photoshoot, I’d been wanting to start a bookstagram account. And a few weeks ago, I did that. There’s just something so pleasing (and time consuming) about choosing photos, putting a filter on them, and then coordinating your account so the colour theme is aesthetically pleasing.

If you’d like to check out my bookstagram account, you can go to @written_word_worlds on Instagram or click here!

sarah xx


Dangerous Lies – Photoshoot

Dangerous Lies photos

A little while ago, I had the opportunity to take part in a thing called the #FitzBlitzTour, which was run by Simon & Schuster Australia. This was a competition which allowed a few lucky Aussie YA bloggers to show off their skills and creativity when asked to make something to represent and celebrate Becca Fitzpatrick’s latest book, Dangerous Lies.

After practically begging to be a part of this, I worked on my entry for weeks, determined to have the most original entry. The first part of my entry, as you may have guessed from above, was a photoshoot of the book. I have a passion for photography (and Instagram!), so a couple of days I took the book and my camera down to my local park and took some photos.

But that wasn’t enough. I also decided to make a video based on the book Dangerous Lies where I discussed the book (spoiler free!) and played the game Two Truths and a Lie with one of my friends…

There was an abundance of other amazing entries – everything from themed food to book trailers. Seriously, us YA bloggers are a talented bunch.

I really hope I get to do something like this again soon, because it was really fun. It also prompted me to start a bookstagram account (which is a book-themed Instagram account). You know when you have two book-dedicated blogs and a boostagram account that you’re a fangirl. But I didn’t choose the fangirl life, the fangirl life chose me. I will forever be reading fanfiction, sobbing over the deaths of my favourite characters and dedicating my life to being a part of these worlds that authors have so lovingly created.

I’m a fangirl.

sarah xx


Welcome to my world…

Hello everybody!

My name’s Sarah. I’m a reader who often suffers from book-hangovers, a writer prone to procrastinating, and a full-time fangirl. After already having one blog for my book reviews and one for my writing, I thought I’d add to my growing collection of social media and blogs to create this baby!

On here, I’ll be posting a whole mish-mash of things – ranging from snippets of my writing, book reviews from my current favourites (which will originally be posted here) and general fangirlish rants.

I hope you enjoy following me on a journey through this fangirl-inducing world!

Check out my other sites and social media too, if you’d like…

Book reviewing blog – Written Word Worlds

Writing blog – Write the Worlds

Twitter – @_sarahdreams

Instagram – @_sarahdreams

YouTube – Sarah Dreams

sarah xx